turn the blockprint main page into a "shelf" with the default images being the sides, that way it looks like you are taking it out of the shelf to looks at the stamp
instead of making a new page for each stamp, do a popup with all the different prints that you can scroll trough
When "picking up" a stamp, it goes in the middle of the screen rather than stay in it's shelf (might be easier to code too)
Reupload the front stamp front images as higher resolution (aka you idiot why are you so dumb?)
see if I can move the images in relation to their center and not their side
Make it so when you click on plague doctor head, it moves in a random place at a random angle (I need javascript for that omg X.X)
Create a reccomendation/ ressources page (inspo from A. R. Tivadar)
Dhmis shrine + fencing shrine + shine (shelf?) for buttons I like
WHAT IF? I use my pretty little storage drawer to make a fun interactive page? Each individual drawer would open and reveal a fun little thing when you hover your mouse over it! How fun and cute would that be? Not time intensive at all! Not nerve-wracking at all! It would be a breeze to make!! ha!-ha!-ha
Maybe I should finish the already-existing pages before the masochism.
Give a distinctive theme to each page while straying cohesive (e.g.: the stramps have a streampunk theme, masks are gothic, gallery is fantasy,...)(need a cat-themed page)
Add a little up-and-down motion animation to the skateboard