The Terror of Morichar

- Materials:
- Various types of yarn
- Cardboard
- Magnets
- Elastic thread
- Hot glue
- Wearability:
- Looks:
- Context:
- Personnality:
I wore it for like half a day, and didn't have any issues, even ran with it and it stayed on! I would even say it was pretty cozy in there...
The only issue is obviously visibility, but I just need to "move the curtains" or look down while I'm moving, and problem solved B)
Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Showstopping. Spectacular.
One little caveat; it's difficult to position her on my head so that the eyes look in the right place :/
An other photography class assignment, this time as a group project. We were tasked to create a cohesive series of photos in and around the square in front of our building..
So of course, we decided to create a creature haunting the place!
It's probably obvious, but there was some inspiration taken from a certain little web series that I'm sure no one has heard of...
He just wants to live his peaceful life in the square of Morichar :(
But people think he's weird, and most hate him, so he's forced to hide from the visitors of the square. I don't even know why she stays there. Maybe she's bound to this place, or it is simply her home..